tirsdag 8. januar 2013

Dagens designobjekt; "Donna" av Gaetano Pesce

"Donna", en slags hyllest til kvinnen-(muligens med bismak?)
Nå må det leses på engelsk igjen kjære elever!

Design: 1969
Production: 1970 - 3
Manufacturer: C & B Italia (Cassina
& Busnelli), Novedrate, near Como, Italy
Size: 92 x 117 x 137; seat height 40, UP6 circumference 60 cms
Material: polyurethane foam, cold foammolded, nylon-jersey 

“Donna” is completely in tune with the spirit of Pop Art and the Gaetano Pesce fondness for anthropomorphic shapes. The chair was actually designed to resemble a prehistoric, female fertility figure, with a ball attached to symbolize captivity: “In this design I have expressed my idea of women. A woman is always confined, a prisoner of herself against her will. For this reason I wanted to give this chair the shape of a woman with a ball chained to her foot to use the traditional image of a prisoner.”  The unconventional nature of the shape also applies to the construction and marketing of the chair which was one of a series of six. Together they succeeded in marking a radical break from traditional upholstery production thanks to the technology developed by C & B Italia for creating oversized foam parts. “Donna” consists of a molded monoblock of foam without any supporting structure since the “foam rubber” is dense and free-standing. First, a finished piece of furniture covered with elastic nylon jersey is reduced in a vacuum chamber to about 10 percent of its normal volume and is then wrapped in airtight foil. The customer can easily transport the otherwise unwieldy piece single-handedly. After removal of the wrapper at the destination, the chair slowly recovers its original shape without outside help as air seeps back into the capillaries of the polyurethane foam.

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